Sunday, July 20, 2014

Road to Hell and so on

They say the road to Hell is paved with good intentions. Well, so is my weight loss plan. Here is how my week actually turned out:

Tuesday: Week 2 day 1 of C25K + half hour of lifting: YES!
Wednesday: Yoga: Nope.
Thursday: Week 2 day 2 of C25K: Nope.
Friday: 30 minutes of exercise (however I want): Nope.
Saturday: Week 2 day 3 of C25K: You guessed it: Nope

But I did do week 2 day 2 and 30 minutes of exercise on fitsugar today. Does it make up for the lack of working out this week or the too much pizza and beer I had last night? No. Not really, but it's something. It's better than the nothing I've been doing. So my punishment for being such a slacker is to move on to C25K week 3 even though I only did two week 2s. I need to stay on track and also feel a little pain so maybe I will think twice these next weeks.

Speaking of next week; it's going to be a real challenge because I'm headed to Vegas, baby! But, not until Wednesday so I have Monday and Tuesday to do something, anything. I would also like to challenge myself to workout just once while on vacation. It will be the only time, like ever, I have done such a crazy thing. I'm sure the Bellagio (that's where I'm staying, FUCK YEAH!) has a gym or something for all those motivated people that don't want to fuck up their whole lives while enjoying the City of Sin. Wish me luck!!!

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Off to a decent start

I was up fretting at 5 am this morning, as I frequently do but check it- I was fretting about all the weight I have gained and how terrible I feel. I'm such a fucking sillyhead sometimes, thankfully I realized it before it was too late to act accordingly and I got my ass up and worked out.  I did week 2 day 1 of C25K and I lifted for about a half hour, totaling an hour of doin' stuff. I'm all like:

Monday, July 14, 2014

Week plan Strong plan

I know I said one day at a time, baby steps, and other ways to describe small increments of success but I need a clear plan this week because my parents are in town and it will be really easy to let things slide. So, I have a plan in mind for the week but will still break it up into daily goals.

The aforementioned plan for this week is as follows:

Tuesday: Week 2 day 1 of C25K
Wednesday: Yoga at 6:30 pm
Thursday: Week 2 day 2 of C25K
Friday: 30 minutes of exercise (however I want)
Saturday: Week 2 day 3 of C25K

Not too bad right?

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Fitness Nerds and whatnot

My mind was just sort of blown by this Nerd Fitness blogger. He posted a blog using The Matrix to explain food addiction and it was basically amazing. He does not appear to be one of those douchey, it's-not-that-hard-to-lose-weight-just-stop-eating-and-get-on-the-treadmill-fat-ass health gurus that makes everyone feel terrible about themselves or onna them TV 'doctors' that think a juice fast is a good idea and advocate 'health miracles' to the unsuspecting American who just wants to loose weight the no muss no fuss way. He's a nerd and an everyday guy who wants to--hold on let me get this right:

"inspire the Hell out of you to make positive changes and live a better life." 

I kind of dig that. I would enjoy having the hell inspired out of me; some sort of junk food dependency exorcism. Anyway, the bad news is I think I may be a food addict which it turns out is a real thing. According to the articles I read this morning, people can be addicted to lots of different things (just watch My Strange Addiction) obviously some of those addicts have a larger health issue like pica, but my point is that I learned addictions are all similar in their effect on the brain and the best course of action is abstinence. 

There is, of course, a large following of Team Everything in Moderation but some people just can't do moderation when addiction is present. Now, I really am not one of those people who believes everything should be labeled a disorder (I promise) but this may be a real thing for me and it's making it hard for me to overcome my Cake-rito demons. 

Abstinence is a big commitment, though, and if I've learned anything about myself in 31 years it's that commitments of any kind pose a problem. Not to mention all the good stuff I'll miss out on. Like what if Cheez Whiz goes out of business and I am abstaining from junk food? Haha, that will be a good thing, you say? Yeah, you're probably right. I still have some thinkin' to do though.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Back on track (maybe)

Obviously I had a bit of a hiccup. A backslide. A slip up. The good news in all of this is that it din't send me into a never ending shame spiral of cake, Doritos, and doom. It was only a mini spiral with one snack sized bag of Doritos, no cake and no doom. I definitely turned to Google to help me get over my sad-sack-non-dieting self and was not disappointed. There were so many lists and memes and various gifs that were supposed to hit me in the feel goods and they did, sort of.

I got what I needed out of them and I am going to do three things:

1. Forgive myself for being such a dick or as one Google list likes to euphamize, embrace my   humanity.

2. Not dwell. These slip ups of mine have the tendency to last weeks, months, years, who knows   (at that point they may just be life-ups) and I am determined to, like, not do that.

3. Get back on the wagon. 

I'm off to do step one and will report back with any news.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Keeping my word isn't so bad!

I did it again! Last night I did 4 Fitsugar videos; three ten minute ones and a five minute (to counteract all the warm-ups in the ten minute ones). Yay for that.

I didn't go back to the gym and I want to figure out what's up with that. I used to go to this gym almost every day and then I got fed up I guess. I am typically a solo act (running, hiking, yoga, swimming) and I need to switch up my routine regularly so I don't get bored. These obsessive gym folk are not exactly my cup of tea, it turns out. The other members are rather pushy and I felt guilty if I couldn't make it or if I decided to take a break it was daily texts and FB messages which I am not super fond of.

Obviously, I could just tell these people to back off me a little, but I don't think I'm there yet, confrontation-wise. Also, I have a free gym at my disposal and that makes justifying a monthly gym membership payment difficult. Basically, I can't tell if I'm an ass and should suck it up, go back, and tell everyone my deal or if working out with those types of people just isn't right for me.

Okay, end stupid self-debate and focus on today. What do I want to accomplish today? I want to do C25K week one day two. That's it. If I accomplish that I will officially have a three-fer, as in I kept my word and did what I said I would do three whole times in a row! I realize how sad that sounds, but bear with me!

Actually the most challenging thing for me will be eating for the rest of this week. I have clients in town for a workshop, which means catered lunch every day usually from some place super mega healthy like Chili's or Smokey Bones. It's not that there won't be healthy stuff like salad and the like but I will have to actively pass up the deliciousness that is sliders, ribs, mac and cheese, etc. I have not mastered the 'better food choice' lifestyle yet.

My parents are also in town this weekend so more eating out. I may have to break my one goal a day rule and add a healthy food choice to the rest of the days this week in addition to an activity. I will see what happens to me today at lunch and go from there.  If I shrug it off and eat a decent meal, I'll probably be okay. However, if I go all Cookie Monster on lunch's ass and om nom everything unhealthy in sight, well I may have to reassess.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Day 1 Down

I did it! I did the one thing I set out to do yesterday. I know it seems silly to make such foofaraw (my word of the day today) but I have heard from therapists and friends that I don't give myself enough credit or sufficiently reward myself to continue on my path to health/weight loss so here it is! Hooray! I did week one day one of Couch to 5K!  Commence the goofy (free) emoticons:

I actually did a bit more than just the C25K; when I got home from work the boyfriend (out of the blue) wanted to go for a walk. So we walked for about a half hour then he dropped me at the gym and I did my thang. Both of us had a shitty day yesterday and I think this prick of motivation helped brighten us up and it's always better to do things together. We both need to get healthy and we reported yesterday that we both ate well and we were semi-active together, a good start I think.

Onto today's goal. I'm having trouble with this one because I had been going to a boxing gym regularly and was thinking I wanted to go back but every time I try to go I can't seem to bring myself to for a number of reasons which I still can figure if they are valid or not. So I think I will go for a vague type of goal for today:

Exercise for 30 minutes

That's it. And it can be however I want; if I make it to the gym, great, if I want to stay home and do workout videos on Fitsugar, awesomesauce! I just need a minimum of 30 mins. Okay then.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Starting over (yet again)

I have been struggling with meeting goals for a really long time; one of the main ones is getting my weight under control. Today, I was really feeling it when I had to wear yoga pants as leggings to work because none of my jeans fit :( so I turned to Google. I said, Google, "I need motivation" and Google delivered this article which put a new spin on motivation and led me to start up this here blog.

I have so many goals! Such goals! What's happening is trying to meet all of these goals at once coupled with an unrealistic time frame=bad news bears for any and all goals. This blog basically sums up perfectly how I feel (I don't know where I'd be today without Hyperbole and a Half, honestly).

I keep focusing on the scale number (I heard it's a big no-no but I have trouble really feeling the results without the tangibility of the numbers) but it hasn't worked. I have tried rewards, punishments, and so on (you don't want to read about all my failures) but still: no workie.

 I am overwhelming myself with all the awesome I want to be. SOO, I'm going to start small, I mean minuscule, minute steps because it seems even saying "I want to lose 1 pound this week" is just too much or not the right phrasing or something.

As I'm writing this I remember another article I read about small steps and it's another from! They are just nailing it for me today! Anyway, I want to start like this:

 "Don’t do all of these. Do one. Or half of one, or one thousandth. It doesn’t matter how small — the smaller, the better."

For today, I want to do Week one, Day one of Couch to 5K after work. That's it! That's all she wrote for today. I don't want to think about my larger goal (half marathon) or the reason behind my larger goal (lose weight) I am just going to do this one thing today. I'm not going to post before pics like I have in the past and I'm not going to even mention any other goals (get out of debt, save money, meditate more, get badass high paying job) I'm just going to do one thing a day.