Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Day 1 Down

I did it! I did the one thing I set out to do yesterday. I know it seems silly to make such foofaraw (my word of the day today) but I have heard from therapists and friends that I don't give myself enough credit or sufficiently reward myself to continue on my path to health/weight loss so here it is! Hooray! I did week one day one of Couch to 5K!  Commence the goofy (free) emoticons:

I actually did a bit more than just the C25K; when I got home from work the boyfriend (out of the blue) wanted to go for a walk. So we walked for about a half hour then he dropped me at the gym and I did my thang. Both of us had a shitty day yesterday and I think this prick of motivation helped brighten us up and it's always better to do things together. We both need to get healthy and we reported yesterday that we both ate well and we were semi-active together, a good start I think.

Onto today's goal. I'm having trouble with this one because I had been going to a boxing gym regularly and was thinking I wanted to go back but every time I try to go I can't seem to bring myself to for a number of reasons which I still can figure if they are valid or not. So I think I will go for a vague type of goal for today:

Exercise for 30 minutes

That's it. And it can be however I want; if I make it to the gym, great, if I want to stay home and do workout videos on Fitsugar, awesomesauce! I just need a minimum of 30 mins. Okay then.

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